Saturday, July 28, 2007

Submission Rules

You will be using a hosting service to upload your game.
The following are services used most frequently by the masses

We tend to take more of a liking to Mooload (Since they never delete uploaded files)


When sending a submission e-mail, the title should include the game format, name, region, and size.

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3-USA) (15GB)
Resident Evil 4 (PS2-USA) (3243MB)
Crackdown (360-USA) (3.2GB)
Halo 2 (XBX-USA) (2.93GB)

You get the idea.
Include a boxshot (Image of the game's case) with your links inside of the e-mail.

All submissions are to be sent to this e-mail address:

We thank you when you submit links to help this place grow.
This site would be nothing without you fine people.